John Martin Wood
The following was given to me by John's great great grandaughter, Mary Ann "Strong" Weshinskey.

He Grew up in Giles Co., TN, then moved to Alabama where they owned a plantation.  When John's mother died, the plantation was sold and family moved back to Giles Co., TN. John was an attorney and died during the War Between The States.

JUNE 9TH, 1862:

Dear Wife.  I received your letter dated may 24th and would have answered it
the 3rd day of June on which was Thursday I received it but Maj. McGee came
from Giles here on that day and I concluded to defer writing until today and
send it by him.  I also received your letter of May 11th and answered it
immediately and can heartily concur with you in saying that it is a great
pleasure that we can hear from each other.  I am very sorry to learn that you
have nearly despaired of ever seeing me again.  Nevertheless it is very true
that we are many miles apart and it is with deep regret that I am constrained
to be separated from you.  But yet I hope the time not far distant when I can
be with you where I trust I shall ever remain till it shall please God to
part us by death.  I know that our ___ is bitter but we must put up with it
as best we can and hope for the better and I do hope my dear, that henceforth
you will not allow your spirits to be so depressed on my account.  For I am
doing well and receive good treatment could not ask better under existing
circumstances.  Our encampment is a beautiful place.  The walls of which
contain about 40 acres of ground on which we exercise ourselves by playing
baste ball___ and have as good well water as I ever drank.  Jeff Walker says
tell wife Anna McGaurine that never in pison or in war in prosperity or
adversity can he ceast to love her.  Joseph Keltner a young man who belonged
to the Campbellsville Co. died a few days ago of lung disease.  Give my love
to all.  Tell Johnie and Hattie to write to me and I know you will write
every opportunity you have.  Wallace was well when I heard from him last. 
Yours, John M. Wood

My Dear Wife As some of our nonconscripts are going to start home today I
shall write you a few lines and send by them.  I have not received a letter
since D___ came down.  I am very anxious to get a letter for I know nothing
does me more good than to read a letter from you but it seems that I seldom
have the pleasure of reading them.  I wrote you in my last about the
bombardment which I assure you was hot and heavy the first night.  Two of
their gunboats succeeded that night in passing our batteries and I learn have
gone up to Vicksburg for what purpose I know not.  The enemy have not
undertaken to pass any of their boats since the first night but have taken a
few rounds at our batteries every day since without doing any damage.  On the
night of the fight we burned a very large gunboat.  It was a man of war (the
Mississippi) and I tell you it was a very grand scene to see it floating down
the river on fire.  We could hear the bombs bursting as fast as the  fire
would get to them all the way down until she blew up.  It is supposed that
she blew up some ten miles below this place.  I saw the flash and heard the
report very distinctly.  We are waiting very patiently for the enemy to
attack us and fully as anxious for we are confidant of success.  From the
best information we can get, the enemy are only 27000 strong including those
regiments of negro.  I believe if we fight here we will have to go outside of
our works for they are too cowardly to charge them and well they may be.  We
can whip that number any place I don't care where it is.  Although I may lose
my life at it yet there is one thing that consols me and that is if I should
it would be in a good cause.  I am willing to fight the thieves any way or
any where yes even under a black flag for I verily believe that would be the
surest and quickest way to end the war.  Robert Malone is very sick with the
fever.  Our army here has commenced furloughing the sick home at last.  Col.
Wilks is going to quit the army and return home.  He sent up his resignation
a month ago.  Wallace got his boots yesterday and is very much pleased with
them.  Billie Haswell has lost his pocket book containing fifty-odd dollars. 
You will find enclosed a ring, which Johnie sends to Fannie.  I would send my
overcoat but I can't get any of them to carry it.  You will excuse this short
and badly written letter as I have to write very hastily.  I will try and do
better the next time.  My love to all.  Kiss Wallace and the children.  Write
soon.  Yours, John M. Wood

"...[David] Farragut then returned to New Orleans until March of 1863, when
the navy began operations to assist U. S. Grant's final campaign for
Vicksburg.....With the fall of Vicksburg, on July 4, 1863, and the surrender
of Port Hudson, Louisiana, soon thereafter, the Mississippi River was now
under Union control."